Enter. Powerful judge looking down on the world. Guidance thru destiny.
With certainty the powerful will see all. The subtle power of the will. Time stops for all to be completed. Every part of human nature is on display. Life dictates to be given or taken. A plant either survives or not. Emotions dictate. Reckless mistakes are costly. Nature will come to the aid of all. Even if it looks the worst. Much uncertainty causing stress for those in charge. While the meek endure. The few rule until those below the lowest take over. The many fight the wars while those few raise the intellectual wisdom. The battles for and against lead to new ways. Catastrophe. Diminished faith. Broken pride for all due to lies. Frustration from the lack of leadership. Mutiny. The new replace the old and little changes. Turmoil to riots. The world destroys itself with the few left to rule. The cleansing begins. Many parish as the rebirth happens. A new horizon is reached. The process starts a new.
Exit as entered. A powerful event has occurred. Something new. All is as if nothing happened prior.
Everything moves as it is suppose too. Powerful the outcome is written by Nature. From the depths the future is told Hope of the world pointed in one direction. Beguiled by trickery. Passion will dictate. It is natures goal to heal. Hope will arise. Must stay focused or anything and everything can go wrong. False love must end. A single language is needed. Ebb in flow. Cross roads. The direction is set. With change is needed to prevent failure. Blindness. The reality becomes true. Pride can't save anything. Competition for discord leads to illness of the mind. Lack of principles lead to lust and less from reality. A rebirth to renewal. Completed void in thought. One entrusted power. It is over and for the better good.
It is Nature that dictates. The world as a whole is much bigger than mankind. The Earth will move forward. Mankind is it's own destruction. And that is how it is suppose to be. Before the sun eats the Earth, from the depths a new will arise.

It will be 3 against 1 not 2
It will be 3 against 1 not 2
It will be 3 against 1 not 2